KEI Services Ltd offers a wide range of consulting services to serve a variety of businesses and clients. We are able to undertake complex analysis on a wide variety of topics. Our skills have grown from a background in civil engineering and transport planning and can now undertake all manner of 'Big Data' analyses.
Wonder where your clients are? Whether you are a B2B operation or a B2C we have the information and the analysis to identify your potential customers. Using a combination of data analysis and Geographic Information Systems gives us the means to locate your potential customers to make your business succeed.
Through many hours of work we have developed a database that holds all of GB Accident Data from 1979 - June 2023. We can interrogate our system so you get the data you need - FAST! Plus we are low cost. Minimum fee of £15 for up to 200 accident records. Each additional accident record provided for £0.05! Take a look!
With over 25 years of experience in the construction industry, KEI Services Ltd can be trusted to be part of your professional team, leading the transport planning elements of your development project.
Since leading projects for a number of consultancies the Director has maintained a 100% approval record with all developments being approved by the highway authorities. A record few can boast and is the envy of many.
About Us
Established in 2019, KEI Services Ltd began after over 25 years within the industry and an unbeatable 100% success record in achieving highway approvals on supported planning applications. Working for a number of large consultancies experience was gained on schemes within all sectors, from education through to residential, retail and industrial.
We pride ourselves on our innovation, presenting the best version of your scheme to the highway authorities and demonstrating real thought into the planning of your scheme. We have succeeded where many others have failed through a thorough knowledge of the subject and our innovative application this knowledge.
Ian Kirk-Ellis, the Director and owner of the Company specialises in transport planning and traffic engineering, but also has a wide area of experience from drainage and flood risk, through air quality and noise assessment.
Ian has a MSc in Transport Planning & Traffic Engineering from Edinburgh Napier University and is an Incorporated Engineer. In addition he is a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and the Institute of Highway Engineers. Additionally he is a Member of the Transport Planning Society and the Institute of Environmental Science. He is also an Associate member of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management as well as the Institute of Air Quality.
Ian Kirk-Ellis, MSc, I.Eng, FIHE, FCIHT, MTPS, MIEnvSc, ACIWEM
Year Established
Determined Applications
Projects Completed
Contact Us
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Simply drop us a line.
7, Kirkdale Close, Chesterfield,
Derbyshire, S40 2UX